3s of Me | Atlanta Wedding Photographer
Once again here's what I had to say when one of my friends tagged me in a facebook sharing game. This one asked to name several threes about me. Three names I go by: 1. Number 1 daughter 2. cbrownphoto (Julia calls me this) 3. Punkin
Three Jobs I have had in my life: 1. Background Investigator 2. Running Shoe Store Clerk 3. Web Site Salesperson
Three places I have lived: 1. St. Albans, Vermont 2. Bloomington, Indiana 3. Brooksville, Florida
Three Favorite Drinks 1. Water 2. Decaf Iced Tea with honey 3. Chai
Three TV shows I watch (I hardly watch tv, so I had to alter this to “Three shows I have seen at least parts of at some point during the last two months.”) 1. Mental 2. Fox News (with my Dad in the hospital … he loves Fox News) 3. Braves baseball
Three places I have been: 1. Hot Coffee, MS 2. Innsbruck, Austria 3. Brighton, England
People who text me regularly: 1. N/A 2. 3.
Three of my favorite foods: 1. Okra 2. Shrimp 3. Grits
Three friends I think will respond: 1. Kim 2. Amanda 3. Julie
Three pets that I've had: 1. Vincent Van Cat a.k.a Vinnie Van Kitty 2. Ziller the mole killer 3. Beau Rivage the laid back yellow cat man do
Three places I want to visit before I die: 1. Ireland 2. Costa Rica 3. Wakulla Spring, FL
Three things I am looking forward to: 1. my Dad getting out of the hospital 2. my residency at Atlanta Medical Center 3. going rafting again
Atlanta Fine Art Wedding Photographer