Glass Half Full CD - (In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month)
Two blogs in a row about CDs--I'm starting to feel like I have a music blog going here. But I can't help but blog about this awesome new CD, Glass Half Full: A Music Photographer's Visions of Hope. It's a collection of songs of hope and comfort sung by 23 extraordinary women musicians. I found out about it last weekend at the Pine Lake Lakefest when one of the musicians who sings on the CD, Diedre McCalla, performed for the Lakefest crowd. The CD was created by Irene Young, a music photographer, after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a fellow survivor and photographer, I salute you Irene for responding to your diagnosis in such a brave and compassionate manor!
Two dollars from the sale of each CD is donated in equal parts to the national organization the Breast Cancer Fund and SHARE, a New York based organization helping women with breast or ovarian cancer.