Slow Exposures Fine Art Photography Exhibit
/A photograph I took two years ago when visiting Zebulon and Concord, Georgia to view the Slow Exposures exhibits. It was selected to be a part of this year’s show.
Near the end of September this year, I traveled south the Zebulon, Ga to celebrate the Sweet Sixteenth birthday of Slow Exposures. The birthday celebrated the fact that for 16 years fine art photographers and lovers from across the US have gathered in for this annual juried exhibition.
The photographs chosen for the exhibit celebrate the rural American South.
I love the concept of celebrating photos of thee rural south in the rural South.
The selected images are displayed in late nineteenth-century buildings on the National Register of Historic Places.
The Slow Exposures website perfectly describes what this “sense of place” generates. “It makes for an experience filled with shared, serendipitous moments where the energy is infectious and the conversations, thought-provoking.”
It certainly does.